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Image by Mockup Graphics
Image by Mockup Graphics


Trauma can interrupt our lives. I believe this interruption can actually be an invitation to the life you have always wanted. The therapy style I most align with is called Neuro Affective Relational Model. It uses a top-down and bottom-up approach to trauma integration. I blend somatics, parts work, and nervous system regulation and teach you how to be your own healer and reconnect to your truest self.

Image by Agata Create

Life Coaching

Psychotherapy involves looking into the past, whereas Life Coaching stays in the present moment. We will look at what you are experiencing together and I can teach you tools to become somatically present and regulate your nervous system. You can rediscover your propensity for aliveness and create the life you are dreaming of.  You have everything inside of you that you need to heal.

Image by Agata Create
Image by Tanalee Youngblood

Group Coaching

I am currently gathering an interest list for those who would like to experience nervous system regulation within a cohort. There would be a three month commitment. For those that cannot afford the price for individual therapy, this would be an excellent option. The cost would be $65 per session and the groups would have no more than five people in them. If you are interested, please fill out the form below.

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