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Choosing to begin therapy is no small thing. I know the loneliness of disconnection and the feeling that no one understands you. You can find out more about my story below to see if you think we would b a good fit. Let's connect!

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My Story

I was born to a mother who loved me more than anything in her world at the time. She was also a mother that experienced extreme and horrific trauma as a child that she never fully recovered from. She was a beautiful and sensitive soul that experienced abuse of every kind and unfortunately internalized the hatred she felt from those that were supposed to love her. She was everything to me and I wanted nothing more than her love.


Due to her trauma, she had problems with connection. She wanted it, but also pushed it away. She divorced my father and raised me as a single mother. Though my mother loved me very much, she struggled to consistently connect with me and used alcohol to cope with her own pain. I experienced the developmental trauma of disconnection and my young nervous system was formed in a state of survival. There were many traumatic events that happened throughout my childhood that lead to severe disconnection inside my nervous system, but there are too many to write down here. I continued to live in a state of functional freeze for most of my life.


Thankfully, throughout my life I felt led over and over again to relationship with God. I learned about the person of Jesus and it changed the trajectory of my life. Because of this, I eventually experienced incredible connections through friends, met my husband and started a family. Even though I was living a semi-functional life, (unbeknownst to me) my body and nervous system were still in a continual state of freeze, subconsciously reliving trauma over and over again. I was disconnected in many ways, but functioning fairly well in all of the areas one is expected to.


It wasn’t until the birth of my son that I experienced the “perfect storm” that led my mind and body to severe nervous system dysregulation. I began experiencing mystery symptoms in my body and struggled with constant and continual fear for my life and my child. Not having the information I have now, I began to search outside of my body for answers, and came to the point of functionality, while still experiencing dysregulation and extreme self- disconnection. 


Growing up more naturally minded, I tried many things to “fix” my body and mind. I tried functional medicine, Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pilates, Craniosacral Therapy, Homeopathy, Root Cause Protocol, German New Medicine coaching, and more. I am not here to say these things are not beneficial. I am here to say that none of these things can cure self-disconnection. I was finally led to learn about the Nervous System in depth and that was the beginning of my healing journey.


I was hungry to learn and intuitively trying to implement healing but I was obsessive over “fixing” my broken body and mind, still living in a state of disconnection and not understanding attunement. It wasn’t until I was eventually led to an Organic Intelligence coach that I learned I was not broken at all and that changed the course of my life forever. 


I began to experience authentic healing cycles in every area of my body, mind, and nervous system. I realized what reconnection actually is and I no longer was obsessed with “fixing” myself. I now had patience and hope for my journey and my body. I learned that healing was a continual state of being, not a destination you have to hurry up to get to. With my education and background in social work, I knew it was in my alignment to share this hope with others who may feel alone in their journey of healing.


Don't hesitate to reach out.


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